Tuesday, June 17, 2008

YouTube video featuring Scott

Please don't miss my earlier update talking about Scott's position, but yesterday I neglected to post this video of Scott on YouTube, courtesy of RAAM. (don't forget to check out their blog). Enjoy.


shifra007 said...

Scott, I love your Zen Master attitude in this clip! You're awesome.

Bryce: From the RAAM blog, Dog Alert ahead: "As Ohio farmland melts into West Virginian hardwood forest, Team Cry is enjoying the pastoral scenery and the coolness of the night ride through the trees, but reports they’re making good time due to the local dogs chasing them along the road. “There was one just there, I was sprintin’ like hell,” reported rider Matt Wilson. “The dogs around here are crazy. I thought we were out of the Wild West but apparently not. They’re keeping me on my toes in these quiet hours, blimey!”

All of us back here in Chicago are cheering you on, Scott - Keep up the great race!!

lynne Jordan said...

That's cause ohio is dry man... the dawgs ain't got shit else to do... I'm from Ohio... I know.